Horizontal Triple Glove and Apron DSP006


Union Jack FlagSupport NHS & British Manufacturing


  • Manufactured from mild steel
  • Three glove box/Single Apron Capacity
  • Horizantal glove box
  • Wall Mountable
  • Powder coated white


413mm X 162mm X 425mm

Units are available which dispense:

  • Aprons
  • Gloves
  • Bedpan/Urinal bottle
  • Hand Ge



Hand-gel, glove and apron dispenser units play a vital role in care-home and hospital and we have a variety of dispenser units available.

Our double or triple wall-mounted glove and apron dispensers allow simple storage and easy access to both gloves and aprons. Ideal for use in medical and laboratory environments, these units allow proper infection control and hygiene maintenance to be simplified.

Each of our dispensers offers a quick and practical solution to the routine replacement of disposables. Our wall-mounted hand-gel dispensers and bedpan/ urinal bottle holders are robust, secure and can be easily removed for cleaning.


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